MTOS: Modern Horror

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Week three of our Horror focussed month of #MTOS, and this week sees us take an overall look at the realms of Modern horror, and the three most prevalent sub-genres.  Three hosts bring the questions this week, as myself, @kdokenoute and @SaltiredPopcorn split the topic up into three small chunks.

Tackling ‘Torture Porn’ type of films (Hostel, Saw, etc), Hauntings and Possessions, and Found Footage sub-genres, the discussion will look at the best and worst that each sub-genre has to offer, and explore its impact on the horror world.

So, be sure to settle in this Sunday evening at 8pm UK time, and follow #MTOS to take part in the chatter.

Q1: Saw is probably the most famous film to have earned the Torture Porn tag. Arguably it isn’t actually a torture porn movie, but a precursor to the subgenre. In which other movies or film-makers of the past do you see the influence on the Torture Porn movie? #mtos

Q2: The success of the ‘Torture Porn’ subgenre was relatively short lived. What do you think were the reasons for this? Did the content just get too strong for the mainstream audiences to stomach? Or was it due to a lack of depth? Or do you have another theory? #mtos

Q3: The New French Extremity movement brought a new level of realism to extreme cinema, but the French weren’t alone in pushing the boundaries. Are there any films, horror or otherwise, that were so strong in terms of gore and violence that you simply couldn’t stomach them? #mtos

Q4) The Amityville Horror series. Do you like any of the sequels, or remake? Reboot potential or end it now?  #MTOS

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Q5) The Conjuring led to an extended spooky cinematic universe. Do you enjoy the connective tissue or would you prefer more standalone horror hits?  #MTOS

Q6) Was the Dark Universe unfairly judged? Do you think there’s a way it can come… back from the dead?  #MTOS

Q7: Whilst present in film since Cannibal Holocaust, the found-footage sub-genre gained popularity through The Blair Witch Project in 1999.  What was it in that film that really worked to springboard the technique to the level of use the past couple of decades saw? #MTOS

Q8: The sub-genre definitely splits audiences, with some loving the approach, and others hating it.  What is it you personally enjoy about it, or alternately what about the style grates on you? #MTOS

Q9: What 3 films which utilise the technique would you say stand out, and why?  This might not be restricted to horror, as the style has crossed into other genres.   #MTOS

Q10: Overall, does modern horror have anything left to surprise or shock us with, or have we seen it all before?  Are there any examples of films of recent years which have reshaped and redefined horror for our ages? #MTOS

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