#MTOS: That Is Why You Fail

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Failure, disappointment, bombs, flops – there are many terms used to describe films that either under-perform or score poorly with audiences and critics. But what exactly is a failure? I mean, Shawshank Redemption is critically acclaimed, and beloved by audiences, yet failed commercially – as did one of my all time favourite films, It’s A Wonderful Life! So, how can these films be classed alongside Ewe Boll’s output? Or, alternately, as the Transformers films made significant impact on the box office, are these arguably less of a failure than those aforementioned classics?

Well, this week, let’s discuss failure and see what we make of it all over our series of ten questions. Now, as you can imagine, a topic like this could easily devolve into the bashing of stars or films, but hopefully the below questions will instead help us embrace the failed, and maybe even shine some light onto how they deserved to do much better.

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Join me at 8pm on Sunday 30th June, following the #MTOS on Twitter (or follow @filmfileuk ) to take part. Remember to tag your answers with the #MTOS so others can find them and engage in discussion.

Q1. The word ‘flop’ gets bandied around a lot these days, with one article I read recently even suggesting a box office success was a flop because the rating score was low.  But what constitutes a flop to you?  #MTOS

Q2. On the topic of box office takings, are there any films you were certain would be a success, but they failed at the box office?  What do you think led to their failure? #MTOS

Q3. Regarding critical failure, are there any critically derided films that you feel were unfairly savaged, and deserve a second chance? #MTOS

Q4. If a film is critically derided, but is also a box office success, is it still deserving of the ‘failure’ moniker?   #MTOS

Q5. It seems at present that we are getting an abundance of box office ‘disappointments’, with films such as Dark Phoenix and MiBi slumping at the box office and critically.  Are we actually seeing more each year, or does it just feel that way and why? #MTOS

Q6. Which film that is considered a failure (critically or financially) would you champion to re-release if you could change something about it?  What would you change to hopefully make it be embraced better? #MTOS

Q7. Are there any actors who, even in the worst films, still manage to grab your attention and lift the experience into something better than what it is?  What is it about that actor that clicks with you? #MTOS

Q8. Are there any directors who you would consider notorious for delivering failures (in your opinion), and who you avoid as you likely won’t enjoy their output, even when critically praised? #MTOS

Q9. Are there any particular genres of films that are more likely to fail?  Why is this?  Which genres seem best suited for success?  #MTOS

Q10. You have a chance to make a sure-fire hit film.  The story is right, the budget is right, but you need the right names attached.  Which director and two leads would you hire?  Who do you think would give the film a better chance of success? #MTOS

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