#MTOS: …and the award goes to…

#MTOS: …and the award goes to… post thumbnail image

The annual celebration of the industry is coming to an end.  Awards season is packed with BAFTA, Globes, Critics’ Choices, and much more.  But the big event each year is The Academy Awards, for good or for bad.

This year’s event is fraught with controversy.  From the plans to add new awards, the decision on a host, the plans to air some awards off-air, and even the inclusion of some films tarnished by a variety of social, legal and political issues of recent years, have all made this year’s event feel a little soured before it even gets to the night of the event itself.  It’s safe to say that, even though each year the Awards is met with criticism, this year has to be the worst for The Academy publicity wise.

But, despite all this, there is still a buzz.  People are posting their thoughts on who should win, and who shouldn’t.  Even those expressing anger or distaste at some film choices are still keeping anYou sildenafil super can find lots of healing mineral water and spas. Yes, you pill viagra for sale may still have sex but the real commitment must come from you. Today, certain kinds of medicines are delivery overnight viagra bought that available over the internet. One is http://cute-n-tiny.com/tag/giraffe/ viagra for sale online not truly satisfied with what he has so they opt for more work and work load which in turn lead them to stress. eye on the event, even just so they can complain again when “the wrong film” gets honoured.

Yup, love it or hate it, we all end up talking about it, and so this week let’s do just that.

Starting at 8pm this Sunday we take a look back over Oscar history with ten questions planned out to see how important we each find the whole event as #MTOS goes to the Oscars.

Q1: Let’s kick things off with an easy one – which Oscar host did the job the best?  What made their approach work so well? #MTOS

Q2: Over the years, which host (or hosts) have left the whole event feeling a little flat?  Who should never be invited back? #MTOS

Q3: How important are The Oscars?  Is it a marvellous celebration of the industry, or just a bunch of people congratulating their own self-importance? #MTOS

Q4: Have you ever purposely watched a film, that you were initially not bothered with, because of the Oscar nomination or award?   #MTOS

Q5: The Academy occasionally adds or removes award categories, and planned to mix it up this year (with ‘popular’ film category) before back-peddling after public backlash.  Are there any awards you feel need changing, or adding? #MTOS

Q6: The Best Picture category is always a hotly debated issue (a glance online this year is testament to that).  Which films were cheated out of the award in previous years? #MTOS #MTOS

Q7: It is a common criticism of the Oscars that certain genres if film are overlooked, and even completely ignored by The Academy.  But how true is this, and is it important that every genre gets represented in the awards? #MTOS

Q8: The Academy announced plans to continue giving awards out during the commercial breaks this year, but have gone back on that due to public backlash.  Are any of the awards ‘less important’ enough to be handed out off-air, or should they continue showing the whole event? #MTOS

Q9: On the flip-side of the ‘backslapping’ nature of the Oscars, we get The Razzies just before it.  Do you find their celebration of the worst of the year entertaining, or is it a tired joke that has worn thin? #MTOS

Q10: Finally, are you viewing tonight?  Do you have any hopes for the awards?  Any films you strongly believe should win in any category?  Any that baffle you as to their inclusion?  #MTOS

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