#MTOS: A Novel Idea

#MTOS: A Novel Idea post thumbnail image

Books – papery things tied up with string.

Okay, in this day and age they are generally found on flat, tablet type of devices that you use a finger to swipe through, but to some of us books are an important part of our lives. Stacks of them line our shelves, some prop up ornaments (and occasionally wobbly tables), and if we are absolutely honest most of us have a load that we bought but are still meaning to get around to reading…one day…soon….maybe.

But, not only do we love reading them, we seek inspiration from them. As do many film-makers, who strive to bring much-loved works to the big screen time and time again. However, for every great adaptation of a favourite novel, there is inevitably a disastrous attempt to capture the page on the screen. This week, for #MTOS, we will go browsing the library of our minds to delve into the realm of book-to-film adaptations.

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Join us at 8pm on Sunday 20th January over on the old twitter to get involved in our discussions.

Q1: Transferring page to screen runs the risk of suffering the wrath of the fans of the book. Which films stand out to you as ones which you love the source material and also the movie adaptation? What worked for them? #MTOS

Q2: On the flip side, what films completely missed the point of the source material and resulted in an abhorrent mess of a film? Where did they go wrong? #MTOS

Q3: Are there any films that altered significant elements of the source material, yet still managed to impress you, or do any changes instantly alienate you? #MTOS

Q4: It seems filmmakers are still trying to get the next big novel series off the ground, but failing over and over with films such as the Divergent series, and more recently with Mortal Engines. What are they doing wrong? #MTOS

Q5: Are there any films that you feel actually improved on the source novel? #MTOS

Q6: Has a film ever inspired you to seek out a book you didn’t actually know about previously? Did it result in you finding a new book to love, or were you disappointed with the find? #MTOS

Q7: JK Rowling remained (and still remains) close to the Harry Potter film franchise, guiding the films and stories closely. Is this a good idea, or does the original author staying involved stifle potential with the films? #MTOS

Q8: There are quite a few books through the ages which were considered unfilmable, but then saw adaptations to the screen. Which, if any, have you seen and did the transfer to film work out, or should it have stayed just as a book? #MTOS

Q9: Are there any books that you love that you hope never to see adapted to screen? Why? #MTOS

Q10: Are there any books that you love that you think would be ideally suited to a big screen adaptation? Who would you want to direct it, and do you have any casting choices in mind? #MTOS

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