#MTOS: The Coens

#MTOS: The Coens post thumbnail image

Since 1984, The Coens have been delivering fan-favourite film after fan-favourite film, permeating the movie landscape with characters and dialogue that, even if you haven’t seen the films, you can’t help but recognise and even quote from them.

So, this week for our Movie Talk On Sunday, let us take at the works of the Coens, and share what we like (or dislike) about their film output. Starting at 8pm BST over on twitter, we will work through the following ten questions over a 90 minutes or so period of time. To join in, search for #MTOS or follow @filmfileuk and answer along as the questions fire out (remember to add the #mtos to the answers so we can all track them).

See you then.

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Q1: What was the first Coen Brothers film that you recall seeing?  Did it immediately make you a fan, or was another film the one that made you sit up and notice them? #MTOS

Q2: If you were to pick your top three Coen Brothers films what would they be and why? #MTOS

Q3: What is your least favourite of their films?  What doesn’t work for you in them?  #MTOS

Q4: There are a lot of stars who frequently pop up in a Coen Brothers film, but who works with them the best? #MTOS

Q5: Are there any actors who you would love to see in a Coen film, feeling that their approach would really land well within their worlds? #MTOS

Q6: Many memorable characters appear across their films, but which Coen Brothers characters would you love to see more of? #MTOS

Q7: The Coens have adapted a few other works over their time – either remaking films, or adapting from books.  Is there any material you would love to see them adapt in their own unique way? #MTOS

Q8: Which of their films do you feel is underappreciated by most folk, and you would stand up for in any debate? #MTOS

Q9: What are some of your favourite moments from a Coen brothers film?  If there are gifs, or youtube links, feel free to use them. #MTOS

Q10: Finally, Coen films have some of the most quotable lines of dialogue.  Which lines are amongst your favourites? #MTOS

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